Father’s Day Subscription Gift Ideas 2021

4 min readMay 29, 2021
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Father’s Day is Sunday 20th June here in the UK.

If you’ve got a Dad who’s anything like mine, you’ve got a Dad who doesn’t really believe Father’s Day is a thing… but secretly loves it, and of course, would be a bit hurt if nobody thought to acknowledge it even if it is all a marketing ploy!

Subscription gifts are a great way to get around the feeling that you’re just buying a gift for the sake of a date that someone somewhere decided should be Father’s Day. They are a great way to let someone know that you think about them and appreciate them all year round, not just when you’re told to, and with so many of us not able to see loved ones in the way we are used to this year, sending something regularly, or giving something useful over a long term period rather than just a one-off, truly does make a positive difference in these tricky times.

So, we’ve put our heads together and done the thinking for you — here at Lifefyle we are all about reducing mental clutter and making things quick, easy and efficient after all — hereby presenting you with a list of our top 6 picks for Father’s Day subscription gifts.

For foodie Fathers

The rain has got to stop at some point… right? And when it does, barbecue season will kickstart with vengeance! Meat box do a great selection of subscription boxes and are committed to sourcing all of their products from Red Tractor certified sustainable British farms.

Another great option for foodies are the offers from Pong Cheese. Their boxes are as cool as their name, and their cheese as cheesy as your Dad’s best (worst!) jokes!

For drinking Dads

Beer Hawk — craft beer Our friends behind the scenes at Beer Hawk find some real gems in the ever-expanding craft beer market. The new “Beer Bods” subscription from Beer Hawk means you won’t risk buying a crate of something your Dad or significant other won’t like, and they can sample lots of beers they otherwise might not try, as they’ll receive one beer a week, along with its back story. https://www.beerhawk.co.uk/beerbods

The Cocktail Man — cocktail box. These guys are currently offering a 25% discount on their 3-month subscription if the man in your life is a bit more adventurous with his alcohol than just beers.


If your Dad or significant other is one of the thousands of middle-aged men going through a lycra-clad mid-life crisis, and your doorstep is regularly adorned with packages from Wiggle and Rapha, then a subscription to Cyclist Magazine is definitely worth considering. Something for him to flick through and find new routes and yet more gadgets when he’s actually in the house?!

Alternatively, you could set up your own regular delivery of iso gels, inner tubes, and cycling socks as, whether it’s road racing or mountain biking, they never stay their original colour for long!

For protective Papas

As we said at the start, some Dads really don’t want you to make a fuss of them, and in a lot of cases, that’s because they want to be the ones looking after you. Is your Dad the type to take your car out just to see if it’s running ok, only to return it with a full tank of fuel? Underneath it all, the priority for a lot of Dads, is their family’s safety and security. They like things in their place, they like to be able to check in on things and make sure they are running smoothly, and they like to know that nothing has been forgotten. If this sounds like your father, then consider a Premium subscription to Lifefyle.

It’s somewhere for them to store and organise that paperwork they love to sift through and hoard. It uses AI to alert them of, and help them quickly deal with, something that needs their attention like an insurance policy about to expire, or an MOT due. Above all, it helps them get everything sorted and in one place. A Premium subscription provides huge peace of mind that should anything unthinkable happen, their family can access all the life admin they need to keep things ticking along while they deal with the big stuff.

To buy a voucher, email us at membersupport@lifefyle.com, let us know how long you would like to buy the subscription for, and we will create you a bespoke gift code that you can send on to the man in your life and help them get everything sorted for the ones they love.

Enjoy your Father’s Day, however you are spending it!

From Lifefyle, with love.




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